Raccoon sketches! Yes, another old moustached animal with a top hat in the right lower corner going all HMPHR.
I've been trying to let my animal characters GO more with the expressions, different facial and body characteristics. Some stereotypes in there but I need to practise them too so it's easier to develop something deeper in the characters based of the stereotypes...and all that....
So that's it for today :)
tirsdag 18. januar 2011
søndag 16. januar 2011
Speaking of perser; !
I did a short animation for my class a good while ago and I felt like sharing it since I recently drew a perser cat sketch page....yesterday.. so.. enjoy! I might make more of theese in the future but this one took over 20 hours to make so it's gonna take more than encouragement and time to do such a thing again unfortunately.
Every frame is hand drawn in Adobe photoshop, and I had to save over 200 images separately, import everything into after effects and put them together...
Hard process!
Music: Kathrynn Tickell - Sfter Birnam (speed up version)
Every frame is hand drawn in Adobe photoshop, and I had to save over 200 images separately, import everything into after effects and put them together...
Hard process!
Music: Kathrynn Tickell - Sfter Birnam (speed up version)
lørdag 15. januar 2011
Animal sketches 2: Cats (perser)
Persuuurrsss!!! No better inspiration for theese species like DERP images! And....that's mostly it... so...goodnight!
fredag 14. januar 2011
Animal sketches 1 : Badgers
Alot of badgers!

I did some quick 20 min sketches of badgers! I want to get back to draw Don Bluth/Disney inspired animals again... so here is the first part of the animal sketches..
lørdag 8. januar 2011
Lizard creature; Xphlyson
Before I head off to bed; a lizard creature with energy cores on it's tail n__n I didn't put in all the process images cause I'm gonna put them in another walktrough image thing on my DA another day. G'night.
Recent illustrations.
Hi there people.
That's it for now I guess. I'm working on a lizard-like creature. I finish my art by random and how much time I have and all that. Thank you for viewing and all that :)
I'm just gonna start off my blog with a couple of recent images which I have done the last week :D
This is a...some sort of Nymph/Goat person thing.
And this is Halikor, a fiery canine creature which has a horrible cause of heartburn. You need to take some pills to calkm down your stomach. There's literaly LAVA coming out of your mouth.
(To see the walktrough in fullsize, go here! http://konnestra.deviantart.com/gallery/28054981#/d36n6mm )
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