tirsdag 21. oktober 2014

Character design, finally!

I should try to update this blog way more. Anyways, the time I have been wating for all this year during school has come. Character design! The theme is Chicago in the 30's, the time of Al Capone and the other notorious mobsters. I started a little bit before we were even handed our task cause I was way excited about this. I referenced alot of old photos in some of these drawings, so some of them might be recognizeable. 

For the task, we are supposed to draw 6 characters for a story, and design 2 of them completely for 3D modeling in 2 weeks.

tirsdag 16. september 2014

Sculptris practice and school update

I have been using Sculptris very much lately. I often do a few sculpts for fun, or when I need to draw a character from a tricky angle. I've been getting used to painting in Sculptris too even though it isn't quite as stable as Zbrush. It has a habit of crashing, + you can't paint in layers..and custom brushes makes it crash as well. But as far as a 40-60 min model jam goes, I'm very happy.
I VERY rarely model humans. Not because I am afraid to do so, but because animals just has so much more material to work with than people (yet) So I tried drawing a guy and then converting him into a sculpture. Apart from the mistake I made on the eyes, I'd say this is a fair third attempt at 3D humans. 

School is also keeping me extremely busy, but in the good productive way. I can actually stay focused when working, and it feels like I have a goal for once. Just today, I drew 100 tiny images for a test storyboard, which is due on monday. I got enough time to draw them all again before monday, hopefully....

torsdag 10. juli 2014

Another day of productivity.

Today has been possibly the warmest day in Norwegian history. My chocolate plate melted entirely, and I couldn't even fall asleep in the forest, not a single breeze to be found.

However, I managed to settle down and draw more humans. I have been drawing humans only now for two weeks, and I have managed to improve alot. Since I'm having my summer vacation at home, I don't have a scanner nearby, so there will be phone-quality. 
I recently watched How to train your dragon 2 as well, which also inspired me to draw.  Also the movie really exceeded my expectations. Dreamworks have been doing really good with their sequels.

Anyways, here are a few images from today:

(They were all very inspired by Nico Marlet's techniques)

søndag 29. juni 2014

100 caricatures in 2 days

Well, 2 and a half days. 
You can see the entire process over here http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1404566
I have improved alot during those days, and it feels like I can draw humans from memory with more freedom and shapes. It's only been 5 days of the two weeks of human drawing, so I still have a long way to go before I can go back to animals. But I think I will draw humans more frequently by then, and after!

lørdag 28. juni 2014

Caricature challenge

Only 2 days ago, I opened a thread over at Facepunch, asking to draw everyone who posted. I have already reached 80 caricatures, and I decided to stop at 100. That's a major achievement in progress for me who has ADHD and lack of concentration. I managed to find my own loophole bu focusing on the major shapes of a face and spending less than 10 inutes on each face.

I might reach 100 already tomorrow. Here are some examples!